Import / Export Speed – reliability – simplicity

Illustration import/export

Our know-how in customs is your asset

Your TDX solution for a calmer passage through customs

Is developing and sustaining your international trade essential for you?

If you import or export goods in Switzerland or abroad, you are required to declare them to the customs services of the country concerned.

TDX does all this customs administration for you! Leave with your mind free to concentrate on your own affairs.

Illustration artisan


Do your customers ask you to import or export your equipment and tools? Are there other customers wanting the benefit of your know-how and asking you for help?

You are probably wondering what you have to clear through customs, what steps to take to provide your service or how to benefit from customs relief.

With our dedicated service offer, TDX supports and accompanies you so that you can carry out your international business in the best conditions!

Illustration e-commerçant


Commerce in the digital age!

Champions of modernity, you too have chosen to participate in the growth of online sales – a real growth driver. Does your B2B or B2C e-commerce site offer a range of products that you receive from abroad and/or send abroad?

Think about having TDX clear them through customs, and their journey to their recipients will be much smoother.

The advantages of TDX

A privileged and responsive partner

Fast and efficient handling of your customs formalities

How does it work?

1. Contact TDX

Find out more

2. We’ll be in touch as soon as possible

3. Choose whichever of our customs solutions is best for you

4. Free yourself from import/export formalities

Find out about our other solutions

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Illustration import/export

Our know-how in customs is your asset

Your TDX solution for a calmer passage through customs

Is developing and sustaining your international trade essential for you?

If you import or export goods in Switzerland or abroad, you are required to declare them to the customs services of the country concerned.

TDX does all this customs administration for you! Leave with your mind free to concentrate on your own affairs.

Illustration artisan


Do your customers ask you to import or export your equipment and tools? Are there other customers wanting the benefit of your know-how and asking you for help?

You are probably wondering what you have to clear through customs, what steps to take to provide your service or how to benefit from customs relief.

With our dedicated service offer, TDX supports and accompanies you so that you can carry out your international business in the best conditions!

Illustration e-commerçant


Commerce in the digital age!

Champions of modernity, you too have chosen to participate in the growth of online sales – a real growth driver. Does your B2B or B2C e-commerce site offer a range of products that you receive from abroad and/or send abroad?

Think about having TDX clear them through customs, and their journey to their recipients will be much smoother.

The advantages of TDX

A privileged and responsive partner

Fast and efficient handling of your customs formalities

How does it work?

1. Contact TDX

Find out more

2. We’ll be in touch as soon as possible

3. Choose whichever of our customs solutions is best for you

4. Free yourself from import/export formalities

Find out about our other solutions

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Illustration import/export

Our know-how in customs is your asset

Your TDX solution for a calmer passage through customs

Is developing and sustaining your international trade essential for you?

If you import or export goods in Switzerland or abroad, you are required to declare them to the customs services of the country concerned.

TDX does all this customs administration for you! Leave with your mind free to concentrate on your own affairs.

Illustration artisan


Do your customers ask you to import or export your equipment and tools? Are there other customers wanting the benefit of your know-how and asking you for help?

You are probably wondering what you have to clear through customs, what steps to take to provide your service or how to benefit from customs relief.

With our dedicated service offer, TDX supports and accompanies you so that you can carry out your international business in the best conditions!

Illustration e-commerçant


Commerce in the digital age!

Champions of modernity, you too have chosen to participate in the growth of online sales – a real growth driver. Does your B2B or B2C e-commerce site offer a range of products that you receive from abroad and/or send abroad?

Think about having TDX clear them through customs, and their journey to their recipients will be much smoother.

The advantages of TDX

A privileged and responsive partner

Fast and efficient handling of your customs formalities

How does it work?

1. Contact TDX

Find out more

2. We’ll be in touch as soon as possible

3. Choose whichever of our customs solutions is best for you

4. Free yourself from import/export formalities

Find out about our other solutions

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